Getting Started

At it’s heart, Meritous is incredibly, perhaps absurdly, simple to use. Define a set of properties as a schema for your model and begin to use the model as you would any other Python class.

Basic Usage

Meritous can be used to quickly bootstrap simple Models with defined data elements. The following example demonstrates the basic functionality in the context of an “Event” data structure.

from meritous.core import Model
from import UUIDProperty, StrProperty, DateProperty

from datetime import date

class EventModel(Model):

    _schema = {
        "id"          : UUID4Property(),
        "title"       : StrProperty(),
        "date"        : DateProperty(),
        "description" : StrProperty(),

event = EventModel()
event.title = 'Sample Event' = date.fromisoformat('2023-01-10')

Models and they data are intended to be operated as Python data types in the usual ways. Meritous then defines a simple way to map Model data into a storage representations, which are intentionally not part of the core package, for saving into a data store or for onward transportation. For example, you might transform a model into JSON for transport or use a DynamoDB transform to store the data in the cloud.